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Photos - Surprises - Signs (continued)

Hurlstone Park


Strike it rich in Joe Poole Reserve, Hurlstone Park.

Hurlstone Park


Multicultural and ecumenical in Hurlstone Park: Vietnamese, Korean, English, Baptists and Presbyterians unite.



You could apply for a full-time job collecting entrance fees at the bottom of Lane Cove Road, Ingleside, and only have to work 18 days or 104 hours a year.

Kemps Creek


They sure know what day to have Sunday School at Kemps Creek's Christadelphian College.



Have you seen Michael anywhere? Try Anzac Parade, Kensington.



We're used to supermarkets and car sales showing prices ending in 95 or often 99, eg $8.95 or $15,999, to con us into thinking we're paying much less. But Coral Avenue, Kentlyn, shows a real estate agency that is super honest. They could have shown 'approx 6 acres', but were honest not just once, but three times.



So you know Kentlyn isn't an inner Sydney suburb. Old Kent Road has koalas.

Killarney Heights


Absolument! But why French for the alternate language instead of Irish, since almost all Killarney Heights streets have Irish names?
Tralee Avenue, Killarney Heights

Kings Langley


A home in Hicks Place, Kings Langley, proudly displays these transport signs, especially the historic Golden Fleece and Mobilgas petrol ones.



Great! I'd been worried I was somewhere else. Waratah Street, Kirrawee.

Kogarah Bay


For the benefit of the slow learners, I advise that this is the Sydney Private Tennis Academy. It is on the Princes Highway at Kogarah Bay.

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