Trivia Quiz: Questions for week ending 30 December 2018
This week's subject is hotels.
1 The Jukkäsjarvi Hotel in Sweden is open during the winter. What happens to the hotel at the end of the season?
2 What was the double name of the hotel in Edinburgh Road, Canberra, that operated from November 2013 to March 2018?
3 Where is Circus Circus? (a) in Disneyland, Paris, France (b) in Las Vegas, USA (c) in Edinburgh Road, Canberra
4 What annual event is held on January 26 at Brisbane's Story Bridge Hotel? (a) the Australia Day camel races (b) the Australia Day cockroach races (c) the Australia Day cryptic crossword races
5 A man stopped his car opposite a hotel and immediately knew that he was bankrupt. How did he know?
Here are the free trivia answers to these trivia questions.
Trivia Quiz: Questions for week ending 23 December 2018
This week's subject is cricket.
1 When did India last win a test series in Australia? (a) 1931 (b) 1971 (c) it's never won one
2 What is the highest number of runs scored in a single innings in any class of cricket? (a) 628 in 1899 (b) 1009 not out in 2016
3 How did the Indian scoreboard show the heading for that cricketer's runs? (a) Bowler (b) Batsman (c) Bat’s Man
4 What is the record number of consecutive winning tosses for the home team in test matches in Asia? (a) 5 (b) 9 (c) 14
5 And what are the chances of that happening? (a) 1 in 64 (b) 1 in 16,384 (c) one in a million plus
Here are the free trivia answers to these trivia questions.
Trivia Quiz: Questions for week ending 16 December 2018
This week's subject is The Sydney Morning Herald.
1 As of this week, who owns The Sydney Morning Herald? (a) Channel 9 (b) Fox News (c) America's NBC (d) Fairfax
2 What record did the Herald achieve on 1 June 2013 ? (a) five spelling mistakes in five consecutive words (b) five quotation marks in a row, separated only by one full stop (c) all odd and even page numbers on the wrong side
3 For a while in 2017, how did the Herald's Spectrum magazine help you solve its quiz? (a) by making most answers multiple choice (b) by providing the answers before you got to the questions
4 The name of a letter writer to the Herald on 5 April 2018 probably set a record for the most consecutive vowels in a person's name and the number of vowels v consonants. What was it? (a) 3 and 4:1 (b) 5 and 5:1
5 Newspaper TV guides give the time, name of the program and then usually details of what the program will be about. What helpful information did The Sydney Morning Herald show on 29 May 2018 for 7.00pm? (a) 7.00 ABC News at 7
(b) 7.00 ABC News Presents the latest news stories
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Trivia Quiz: Questions for week ending 9 December 2018
This week's subject is Mars.
1 What is Elysium Planitia?
2 The 100 recipes that NASA had developed by July 2012 for the 2030 flight to Mars were all of what type? (a) synthetic (b) vegan (c) meat and dairy
3 How much did Red Rover, the Martian explorer, weigh? (a) 15.4kg (b) 10.4kg (c) both of the above (d) neither of the above
4 What colour is Mars?
Here are the free trivia answers to these trivia questions.
Trivia Quiz: Questions for week ending 2 December 2018
This week's subject is boxing.
1 Did Australian boxer Anthony Mundine put on much weight in the decade after his last rugby league game?
2 What are the first names of boxers Lucky Gattelari and Rocky Gattelari?
3 Who was awarded Australian of the Year after becoming famous for attacking people physically?
4 Why was the bout between Tony Lythgoe and Stan Simpson at St George Leagues Club on 21 September 1965 a draw? (a) both were too intoxicated after the club's anniversary celebration to stand, let alone fight (b) both fell out
of the ring in the second round, hit their heads heavily on the floor, were knocked unconscious and were unable to continue (c) after the third round a riot broke out amongst their fans and police ordered the club closed
5 What do boxing champion Bobby Czyz, Oscar-winning actress Geena Davis and former Playboy playmate Dr Julie Peterson have in common? (a) all were at one time members of the Nazi party (b) all became members of the high IQ
group Mensa (c) all are now ordained ministers
Here are the free trivia answers to these trivia questions.
Trivia Quiz: Questions for week ending 25 November 2018
This week's subject is Victorian elections.
1 Which of these are parties contesting the Victorian elections on 24 November? (a) Animal Justice (b) Aussie Battler (c) Health Australia (d) Local Jobs (e) Reason (f) Social Alliance (g) Sustainable Australia (h) Transport Matters (j) none of the above (k) all of the above
2 How much is the fine for not voting in Victorian elections? (a) nil - voting is optional (b) $20 (c) $50
3 How is the election date decided? (a) by fixed date, on the fourth Saturday in November every four years (b) by the present government on any Saturday after serving two terms, December and January excluded
4 Which present party leader's name is an anangram of 'in lead, wanders'?
5 Which guy has led the Liberal/National coalition in Victoria for the last four years?
Here are the free trivia answers to these trivia questions.
Trivia Quiz: Questions for week ending 18 November 2018
This week's subject is Bob Rogers.
1 Where did Bob Rogers rate among morning music show hosts in the September 2010 Sydney radio survey, when he was aged 83? (a) top (b) middle (c) bottom
2 For how many years has his radio career lasted? (a) 52 (b) 57 (c) 74
3 At what age is he retiring?
4 What was the average age of the two morning presenters on 2CH and 2SM this month? (a) 47 (b) 67 (c) 87
5 From 1995 to 2000 what was the highest-rating radio program on either of jointly-owned 2GB and 2CH? (a) the 2GB breakfast program of Labor numbers man Graham Richardson (b) Bob Rogers' 2CH morning music program (c) a religious program
Here are the free trivia answers to these trivia questions.
Trivia Quiz: Questions for week ending 11 November 2018
This week's subject is World War 1.
1 When did World War 1 end?
2 When was Archduke Ferdinand assassinated? (a) on the day World War 1 began (b) on the day the war ended
3 When did Poland gain independence after 122 years?
4 What was World War 1 also known as? (a) The Great War (b) The European War (c) The German War
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Trivia Quiz: Questions for week ending 3 November 2018
This week's subject is bridges.
1 The world's longest sea bridge opened this week. What does it link? (a) Melbourne (Victoria) and Devonport (Tasmania) (b) China and Hong Kong (c) New Zealand's north and south islands
2 How long is it? (a) 15km (b) 35km (c) 55km
3 Where in Sydney can you drive across three main road bridges within two minutes?
4 When did elephants last walk across the Sydney Harbour Bridge? (a) That's a stupid question. Don't wast my time (b) 1932
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Trivia Quiz: Questions for week ending 27 October 2018
This week's subject is the Wentworth by-election.
1 What is the first name of Dave Sharma, the Liberal Party's candidate in the 20 October Wentworth by-election? (a) Dave, of course (b) Deva (c) Devanand
2 How well or poorly did he do in the Higher School Certificate? (a) he scored the highest possible Tertiary Entrance Rank of 100% (b) he only passed in three subjects so repeated the year (c) he failed every subject
3 Did he marry an Indian, a Lord or a High Court Judge?
4 Which palindrome is the surname of the Greens' candidate? (a) Eve (b) Glenelg (c) Kanak
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Trivia Quiz: Questions for week ending 20 October 2018
This week's subject is Prince Harry.
1 What is Prince Harry's full name?
2 What is his title?
3 What will he be climbing in Sydney this month?
4 How many people are ahead of him in the line of succession to the British throne and who are they?
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Trivia Quiz: Questions for week ending 13 October 2018
This week's subject is memory.
1 Do you remember what world title Dominic O'Brien won eight times?
2 Rebecca Sharrock appeared on ABC-TV's Catalyst last month. How much of the Harry Potter books can she recite from memory? (a) the first three lines of each book (b) the first three paragraphs of each book (c) every word of every book
3 Kim Peek, the real Rain Man whose almost unimaginable powers of memory were coupled with severe disabilities and who inspired the film role played by Dustin Hoffman, had which of these talents? (a) ability to memorise every word of up to 12,000 books, including the Bible and the Book of Mormon (b) ability to read two pages in about 10 seconds – the right page with his right eye and the left with his left eye simultaneously (c) ability to learn phone books by heart (d) know on what day of the week a particular date fell upon going back decades (e) do a party trick of telling strangers the names of the people who used to live next door to them years ago (f) all of the above
4 What is the only English word that starts with mn? It is an aid to memory.
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Trivia Quiz: Questions for week ending 6 October 2018
This week's subject is the ABC.
1 Who hold the positions of ABC chairman and managing director?
2 What were 2FC and 2BL?
3 What is Australia's oldest radio station?
4 In April, 1932, what was Sydney's ABC radio broadcasting at 7am before its breakfast session? (a) local news (b) the chimes from London's Big Ben (c) messages from the prime minister
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Trivia Quiz: Questions for week ending 29 September 2018
This week's subject is Sydney suburb names.
1 Are the suburbs north and south of Strathfield called North Strathfield and South Strathfield or Strathfield North and Strathfield South?
2 Of what Sydney suburbs are these Spoonerisms: Cane Love, Poison's Milt, Haker's Quill, Hidden Sam and Hennant Pills?
3 Three NSW town names of two identical words are Kurri Kurri, Wagga Wagga and Woy Woy. What Sydney suburb has this feature? And what two suburbs come close?
4 What Sydney suburb name begins with double L?
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Trivia Quiz: Questions for week ending 22 September 2018
This week's subject is strawberries.
1 Why are strawberry flavouring toppings pink, though strawberries are red?
2 How many ingredients are in a typical artificial strawberry flavour, like the kind found in a Burger King strawberry milk shake? (a) 2 (b) 5 (c) more than 5
3 What makes strawberry seeds almost unique?
4 How many seeds are on the average strawberry? (a) 10 (b) 50 (c) 200
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Trivia Quiz: Questions for week ending 15 September 2018
This week's subject is the 2018 US Open tennis.
1 What third-round men's singles match in this month's US Open had an Australian with a surname beginning with a lower case 'd' playing against a Croation former champion with a palindromic surname?
2 What ladies singles quarter-final had one player with a surname three times as long as that of her opponent?
3 Who gave Nick Kyrgios advice when he was down a set and a break in the second round? (a) his mother, from the players' box (b) the umpire (c) his coach, illegally
4 What do Agnieszka Radwanska and Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova do?
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Trivia Quiz: Questions for week ending 8 September 2018
This week's subject is prime minister Scott Morrison.
1 What religion is prime minister Scott Morrison? (a) no religion (b) Catholic (c) Pentecostal
2 How many attend his Horizon Church's services on Sundays? (a) about 12, but up to 50 at Christmas and Easter (b) an average of nearly 200 (c) over a thousand
3 What do some of them do during church services? (a) eat fruit (b) speak in tongues (c) play bagpipes
4 What type of house does he live in? (a) apartment (b) modest single-storey (c) three-storey oceanside mansion that he purchased for over $9 million
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Trivia Quiz: Questions for week ending 1 September 2018
This week's subject is Australian prime ministers sacked by their party's parliamentarians.
1 What does Malcolm Turnbull do every second or two while emphasizing parts of his speech?
2 What former prime minister's surname puts him ahead of 99.99 per cent of the population alphabetically?
3 When former prime minister Julia Gillard faced a 30-minute (less several minutes for ads) interview on A Current Affair on 23 September 2014 she used the same pair of words 54 times. What were these two words?
4 On the day after taking the prime minister position from Julia Gillard, what did Kevin Ruddd say? (a) I regret what I did yesterday (b) Try, just try, to be a little kinder and gentler to each other
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Trivia Quiz: Questions for week ending 25 August 2018
This week's subject is the Great Barrier Reef.
1 What government funding was given this month to an organisation helping to save the Great Barrier Reef? (a) $50,000 (b) nearly half a million dollars (c) nearly half a billion dollars
2 What part of its body does the Great Barrier Reef hermaphrodite marine flatworm use as a weapon in a duel?
3 What scientist has written about the death of the Great Barrier Reef coral? (a) Dr Glenn Cor-al (b) Dr Glenn De'ath
4 Where does the reef rank in the list of the largest living things on Earth?
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Trivia Quiz: Questions for week ending 18 August 2018
This week's subject is earthquakes.
1 How do the Richter Scale earthquake measurements work?
2 Of what was the temporary cathedral made that replaced the one destroyed in the Christchurch earthquake of 2011? (a) asbestos (b) brick (c) cardboard
3 About how many earthquakes are felt each year? (a) 100 (b) 1,000 (c) 100,000
4 Where would you find an earthquake pill?
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Trivia Quiz: Questions for week ending 11 August 2018
This week's subject is the Sydney City to Surf running race.
1 The next Sydney City to Surf race is on August 12. In the first City to Surf in 1971, 2 per cent of the runners were female. Has that percentage grown?
2 On how many of its first 40 years did the race have rain? (a) none (b) one (c) almost all had at least a shower
3 Why did the male runner with the third-fastest time in the 2014 City to Surf race only come fourth?
4 The official name of the event is not City to Surf. How should we show it?
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Trivia Quiz: Questions for week ending 4 August 2018
This week's subject is Fairfax Media.
1 Nine is set to take over Fairfax, owner of The Sydney Morning Herald, 2GB and 2UE (now Macquarie Sports Radio). For how long has the Herald been published? (a) 70 years (b) 77 years (c) 177 years
2 For what reason was Giordano Bruno, after whom 2GB was named, executed? (a) rape (b) mass murder (c) believing that the earth revolved around the sun
3 What did 2GB newsreader Terry Dear do when he came across a difficult surname in an item he hadn't had time to pre-read? (a) make a noise like static interference to cover it (b) say 'Mr Wheelbarrow' quickly (c) turn the microphone volume down
4 What company or organisation founded 2UE? (a) Electrical Utilities (b) United Electronics (c) Upbeat Events
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Trivia Quiz: Questions for week ending 28 July 2018
This week's subject is golf.
1 How many dimples are there on a regulation golf ball? (a) 23 (b) 33 (c) 336
2 How old was Sergio Garcia when he won his club's championship? (a) 7 (b) 12 (c) 53
3 To what is champion golfer Steve Elkington allergic?
4 How do you qualify for the Bobby Jones Golf Classic?
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Trivia Quiz: Questions for week ending 21 July 2018
This week's subject is football (soccer).
1 What other world-famous sporting final this Sunday clashes with the FIFA World Cup final?
2 What was unusual about the one-match ban imposed on Italian soccer player Luigi Coluccio in November 1995? (a) he had been shot dead nine days earlier (b) he shot the referee dead, but as this did not happen on the field he was let off lightly (c) his infringement occurred 75 years earlier, when he was aged 12, but had been overlooked
3 When Dale Shearer injured his ankle in 1997, how much share market value was lost by the Newcastle club? (a) $22 million (b) none; the value went up
4 England reached the semi-final of the FIFA World Cup this year. When did they last win a final? (a) 20 years ago (b) over 50 years ago (c) they have never won a final
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Trivia Quiz: Questions for week ending 14 July 2018
This week's subject is caves and rescues.
1 How many of the 12 soccer-playing boys trapped by water in the Thai cave are also swimmers?
2 What did Dr James Scott eat during the 43 days he survived trapped in a Himalayan cave in 1992? (a) 20 meat pies (b) one Mars Bar (c) eight of his toes and fingers
3 What Snowy Mountains event did the ABC, 7 and 9 Networks cover for about 10 hours on the one day in 1997 and get huge ratings for, even though for most of that time either nothing was happening or the variation in action could have been condensed to a few minutes?
4 Who was the first person rescued with a surf life-saving reel? (a) Sir Charles Kingsford-Smith (b) Sir Donald Bradman (c) Steven Reel
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Trivia Quiz: Questions for week ending 7 July 2018
This week's subject is Wimbledon.
1 How long does it take for the groundsmen to cover a court at Wimbledon when rain is starting? (a) 22 seconds (b) an average 2 minutes 20 seconds (c) usually between 5 and 8 minutes
2 Australians Mark Edmondson and Kim Warwick played in a singles tournament in which they were both beaten in the early rounds. They had also entered the doubles together to practise, but once out of the singles they wanted to get to England early to practise for Wimbledon. Thus they tried to lose their next doubles match. Why did they find it very difficult to lose?
3 Next Saturday at Wimbledon there will be a mixed array of men's and ladies' matches. Is the next day, Sunday 8 July, either all men or all ladies as far as singles matches are concerned?
4 Which of these did Milos Raonic achieve in his quarter-final match against Nick Kyrgios in 2014? (a) a golden service game – all four points were aces (b) nine consecutve love games on serve
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Trivia Quiz: Questions for week ending 30 June 2018
This week's subject is populations.
1 Australia's population is believed to have reached what significant figure this month?
2 Residents of what country comprise 15 per cent of the population of the United Arab Emirates?
3 What is China's largest city (by population)?
4 In 7800 BC, Jericho had a population of 2700. What did that make Jericho?
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Trivia Quiz: Questions for week ending 23 June 2018
This week's subject is football.
1 Did Australia beat American Samoa in the qualifying match for the 2002 World Cup?
2 What is the most common final score for a World Cup finals match?
3 What is Brazilian football star Pelé's first name?
4 Needing a good score to gain a place in Nigeria's Nationwide League Division 3 in 2013, Plateau United Feeders made seven goals in the first half of their match against Akurba FC. How well did they score in the second 45-minute half?
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Trivia Quiz: Questions for week ending 16 June 2018
This week's subject is Rafael Nadal.
1 What does Rafael Nadal do before each point?
2 What doesn't he do before leaving his courtside chair?
3 Has Nadal won the Miami Open? (a) no (b) no, but runner-up five times (c) yes, 10 times
4 How many times before this year had he won the French Open? (a) 1 (b) 5 (c) 10
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Trivia Quiz: Questions for week ending 9 June 2018
This week's subject is the French Open tennis.
1 How long is it since an Australian won the French Open women's singles? (a) 5 years (b) 11 years (c) 45 years
2 Has an Australian won the men's singles more recently?
3 How many of the six Australians in this year's French Open men's singles won through to the third round?
4 How many of his 81 French championship matches had Rafael Nadal won before this year's event? (a) almost two-thirds (b) all but two (c) all of them
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Trivia Quiz: Questions for week ending 2 June 2018
This week's subject is Israel.
1 The modern state of Israel became how many years old in May? (a) 50 (b) 70 (c) 75
2 What British prime minister's surname included 'Israel'?
3 Do most countries have their embassies in Tel Aviv or the capital, Jerusalem?
4 What does 'Tel Aviv' mean? (a) hill of spring (b) bastion of pools (c) ship of the desert
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Trivia Quiz: Questions for week ending 26 May 2018
This week's subject is weddings.
1 Did any Australian TV networks decide to cover the 19 May wedding of the fifth in line for the throne of another country?
2 What was unusual about the piece of Queen Victoria's wedding cake sold for £68? (a) its size (b) its age (c) its colouring
3 Cryptic crossword clue: Wedding reception pair doctored (7)
4 What accompanied the wedding of Auburn councilor Salim Mehajer in 2015? (a) 4 helicopters (b) a fighter jet (c) a plane pulling a banner (d) Rolls Royces, Ferraris and Lamborghinis (e) all of the above (f) none of the above
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Trivia Quiz: Questions for week ending 19 May 2018
This week's subject is Malaysia.
1 How many times in its six decades since independence has an opposition party won a Malaysian election?
2 How old is the new prime minister? (a) 30 (b) 61 (c) 92
3 What does the 'Lumpur' in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia's capital, mean? (a) bright (b) democratic (c) mud
4 What record did Malaysia's Petronas Twin Towers hold until 2004?
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Trivia Quiz: Questions for week ending 12 May 2018
This week's subject is eSwatini.
1 Whatever is eSwatini? (a) a country (b) a type of pizza (c) a breed of dog
2 What was it called until last month?
3 In March 2003, Radio Swaziland's breakfast show (and you'd better change your answer to the first question), carried breathless, eyewitness reports from the Iraq war. Under what conditions was their correspondent reporting? (a) huge personal risk (b) from a broom cupboard in the then Swaziland capital, Mbabane
4 How regularly were women in the now eSwatini allowed to have sex from October 2001 to September 2005? (a) not at all (b) monthly (c) yearly
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Trivia Quiz: Questions for week ending 5 May 2018
This week's subject is the Koreas.
1 How can you enter North Korea without a visa?
2 What has been the penalty for talking in school or work sessions after a warning in South Korean youth detention centres? (a) counselling (b) forfeiture of three meals (c) 20 days isolated detention
3 When is the traditional time for Koreans to eat the fermented vegetable, kimchi?
4 The majority of North and South Koreans have the same surname. What is it?
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Trivia Quiz: Questions for week ending 28 April 2018
This week's subject is banks.
1 How much in each dollar raised does the St George Bank's St George Foundation give to its chidlren's charities? (a) 35% (b) 65% (c) 100%
2 What is unusual about the double 'm' in the Commonwealth Bank name as shown on all its building signs?
3 What is Australia's oldest company?
4 What Australian bank's name, as seen on its signs, means 'catch in the act of wrongdoing'?
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Trivia Quiz: Questions for week ending 21 April 2018
This week's subject is the Gold Coast Commonwealth Games swimming.
1 Where did Australia finish in the 50m men's backstroke and SB8 100m breaststroke finals? (a) last (b) our only contestant was disqualified (c) first, second and third
2 Bronte Campbell won the gold medal in the 100m freestyle. Who came second?
3 Cate Campbell won the gold medal in the 50m freestyle. Who came second?
4 Who came third? (if you don't know, leave your answer blank.)
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Trivia Quiz: Questions for week ending 14 April 2018
This week's subject is Kim Beazley.
1 What will be odd about Kim Beazley's becoming Western Australia's governor on 1 May?
2 What is his middle name?
3 What did Kim Beazley, Winston Churchill, Bill Clinton, Malcolm Fraser, Bob Hawke, Joe Hockey and Robert Menzies have in common?
4 What was Kim Beazley's mother famous for? (a) first female premier of Western Australia (b) Australian and world athletics record holder (c) Perth's only female tram driver
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Trivia Quiz: Questions for week ending 7 April 2018
This week's subject is cricket problems.
1 Before the sandpaper, what was the latest major controversial Australian cricket incident?
2 What was the main difference between the two?
3 What cricket scandal made the Sunday Telegraph list of the top 10 Australian news events of the 1900s?
4 What is regarded as the devil's number in Australian cricket?
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Trivia Quiz: Questions for week ending 31 March 2018
This week's subject is fires.
1 For how long has Australia's oldest fire been burning? (a) over a month (b) nearly a year (c) several thousand years
2 How did Lena Gilbert Ford, who wrote the words to the song, "Keep the Home Fires Burning", die?
3 As a Rural Fire Service volunteer, Alex Noble fought lots of fires. Why wasn't this considered noble?
4 In what service was Bernie Cinders an inspector?
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Trivia Quiz: Questions for week ending 24 March 2018
This week's subject is Australian politicians' quotes.
1 What former Queensland premier and now rugby league boss, when asked 'The team that plays out of the Sutherland Shire - is it the Cronulla Hawks, the Cronulla Seagulls or the Cronulla Sharks?' replied: 'I'll be honest. I wouldn't have a bloody clue, but I'll know next week. It's got to be Cronulla of some kind.'
2 Who pronounced 'hyperbole' as 'hyperbowl'?
3 Which former prime minister said this to a campaign questioner? 'I am for abortion and in your case, sir, we should make it retrospective'.
4 Did Kristina Keneally support Kevin Rudd's request for Australia to nominate him for secretary-general of the United Nations?
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Trivia Quiz: Questions for week ending 17 March 2018
This week's subject is antigrams, where an anagram of the supplied word/s gives an opposite meaning. So an antigram of 'more tiny' would be 'enormity'.
1 unite
2 nice love
3 real fun
4 true lady
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Trivia Quiz: Questions for week ending 10 March 2018
This week's subject is Mormons.
1 The Broadway musical The Book of Mormon opened in Sydney on 2 March. What is the full name of the Mormon church?
2 Who threatened Mormon founder Joseph Smith to force him to have multiple wives? (a) God (b) an angel (c) his father
3 How many times in the Old Testament did God specifically prohibit polygamy? (a) 0 (b) 17 (c) 666
4 Does Mitt Romney, Republican nominee for US president in the 2012 election, give any money to his Mormon church?
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Trivia Quiz: Questions for week ending 3 March 2018
This week's subject is Billy Graham.
1 How old was Billy Graham when he died on 21 February?
2 How old was George Beverly Shea, Billy Graham's main singer at their crusades, when he died? (a) 34 (b) 104
3 Billy Graham appeared in Gallup's annual list of most-admired men and women a record number of times. How many was this? (a) 21 (b) 41 (c) 61
4 What was the largest number of people he addressed? (a) over 130,000 at the Melbourne Cricket Ground (b) over a million, twice, in Seoul, South Korea
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Trivia Quiz: Questions for week ending 24 February 2018
This week's subjects is again the Winter Olympics.
1 What special number did Amrican ski jumper Casey Larson achieve in this month's Winter Olympics?
2 The first combined North and South Korean team to compete in an Olympics contested the women's ice hockey. How did it go?
3 Why were Winter Olympics held in both 1992 and 1994 instead of the normal four-year gap?
4 What is special about the name of the figure skater partner of Australia's first Indigenous Winter Olympian, Harley Windsor? (a) it contains six As (b) it begins with five consonants (c) it starts with X
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Trivia Quiz: Questions for week ending 17 February 2018
This week's subject is the Winter Olympics.
1 How far from North Korea are the 2018 Winter Olympics being held? (a) 8km (b) 80km (c) 800km
2 What two feuding countries are combining for this Olympics?
3 The events are being held in Pyeongchang. What is the North Korean capital?
4 The Opening Ceremony was on 9 February. When were the first events held? (a) the day before (b) the day after, of course
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Trivia Quiz: Questions for week ending 10 February 2018
This week's subject is South Korea.
1 How many South Koreans were granted an amnesty by president Kim Dae-jung on 13 March 1998? (a) none (b) 5000 (c) 5.5 million
2 The world's longest-serving political prisoner or prisoner of conscience, Woo Yong-gak, was released from prison in South Korea in February 1999. How much of his sentence had he served in solitary confinement? (a) 41 days (b) 41 months (c) 41 years
3 Can you walk from Jindo Island to Modo Island in South Korea?
4 Cha Sa-soon, a 69-year-old woman in South Korea finally passed her driving test on her 960th attempt in September 2010. What does her surname mean? (a) vehicle (b) fail (c) licence
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Trivia Quiz: Questions for week ending 03 February 2018
This week's subject is trains.
1 On average, how many trains leave platforms 1 and 2 at Sydney's Wynyard station each hour in peak periods?
2 What is the only railway station in Australia inaccessible by road?
3 Which Australian capital city never has a passenger train running more than seven minutes late?
4 Where is the world's steepest passenger railway?
Here are the free trivia answers to these trivia questions.
Trivia Quiz: Questions for week ending 27 January 2018
This week's subject is Australian Open tennis.
1 In the first round of this year's Australian Open, did Maria Sharapova win the Maria Sharapova match?
2 How can you tell whether Maria Sharapova or Aryna Sabalenka are playing if you're on another court and can't see them?
3 How long is it since an Australian won the Australian Open women's singles? (a) more than 10 years (b) more than 20 years (c) more than 40 years
4 How long is it since an Australian won the Australian Open men's singles? (a) more than 10 years (b) more than 20 years (c) more than 40 years
Here are the free trivia answers to these trivia questions.
Trivia Quiz: Questions for week ending 20 January 2018
This week's subject is tennis players' names.
1 What US Open women's semi-finalist has a first name with these features: four letters but only two different letters and two capital letters?
2 What US male player has a surname beginning with double M?
3 What 18-year-old Australian player has a surname beginning with lower case 'd'?
4 What German player has a surname ending in five consonants, wczyk?
Here are the free trivia answers to these trivia questions.
Trivia Quiz: Questions for week ending 13 January 2018
This week's subject is anagrams.
1 What do these four terms have in common? lovely volley, ocean canoe, Newark wanker, Yemen enemy
2 "Woman Hitler" is an anagram of what relative?
3 What Sydney suburb name (4,4) is an anagram of the two torments of teenage years, "love" and "acne"?
4 What decision-making executives' gathering is an anagram of "I get bored, man!" (5,7)
Here are the free trivia answers to these trivia questions.
Trivia Quiz: Questions for week ending 6 January 2018
This week's subject is the Sydney to Hobart yacht race.
1 By how much was the Sydney to Hobart yacht race line honours record broken in 2016? (a) five seconds (b) nearly five minutes (c) nearly five hours
2 By how much was the new record broken last week in the 2017 event? (a) four seconds (b) just over four minutes (c) just over four hours
3 Wild Oats XI finished first in the Sydney to Hobart yacht race five times in the six years to 2010, but the record for number of firsts is given to Morna (1946, 1947 and 1948) and KurrewaIV (1954, 1956, 1957 and 1960).
How can this be?
4 Why was Jessica Watson unable to sail in the 2010 Sydney to Hobart yacht race after having completed her six-month solo sail around the world earlier in the year?
Here are the free trivia answers to these trivia questions.