Trivia Quiz: Questions for week ending 16 February 2025
This week's subject is literature.
1 How much will it affect your readers if you type the first and last letters of each word correctly, but get many of the other letters in the wrong order?
2 Where would you find an epopee?
3 How did Lewis Carroll and Ernest Hemingway write? (a) standing (b) in the dark
4 What did playwright George Bernard Shaw say was wasted on the young? (No, it's not a hard question. It's very easy.)
5 How often is The Australian Women's Weekly published?
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Trivia Quiz: Questions for week ending 9 February 2025
This week's subject is walls.
1 What is a ruelle? You should know because we think you've got one.
2 What was the longest time guards along the Great Wall of China spent, without a break, on or at the wall?
3 Why was the Great Wall of China primarily built? To keep out (a) Huns (b) horses (c) hedgehogs
4 What is the total length of the Great Wall (including branches and present and past sections)? (a) 21.96km (b) 2,196km (c) 21,196km
5 What are left in the cracks in Jerusalem's 'Wailing Wall'? (a) millions of pieces of paper (b) thousands of ants (c) hundreds of pens
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Trivia Quiz: Questions for week ending 2 February 2025
This week's subject is foreign language.
1 What is the Latin word for "the"?
2 Who or what are Bicol, Chichewa, Efik, Ewe, Ga, Gun, Igbo, Kinyarwanda, Luo, Mizo, Oromo, Tiv, Twi, Xhosa and Zande?
3 How many people speak Ayapaneco fluently? (a) fewer than 5 million (b) about 1 million (c) 2
4 'Orchid' is derived from the Latin word 'orchis'. What does that mean? (a) flower (b) testicle (c) monocotyledonous plant
5 Why do the Berbers of North Africa never make spelling mistakes?
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Trivia Quiz: Questions for week ending 26 January 2025
This week's subject is overseas crime.
1 How did a power pole hold two prisoners fleeing from a New Zealand court in the last week of January 2009?
2 How were offenders kept out of the previously seriously-vandalised centre of Waitakere city in New Zealand? (a) by regular police patrols (b) by a minimum one-year jail sentence on conviction for vandalism (c) by loud playing of Mozart, Vivaldi, Tchaikovsky and Dame Kiri
3 When three Somalis were killed in April 2009 while holding an American captain, were Somali pirates holding any other sailors or ships?
4 What was Albanian Besim Elezi caught trying to do 10 days after smuggling himself into Britain?
5 What was illegal for women to do in cars in Saudi Arabia before 2017?
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Trivia Quiz: Questions for week ending 19 January 2025
This week's subject is non-human sex.
1 How many times a day does an average pair of lions have sex in the mating season? (a) 40 or even up to 50 (b) 3 ( c) once only, and only on rainy days
2 How many times a year does a penguin have sex? (a) 1 (b) 4 (c) at least 50
3 How often does a snail have sex? (Don't give too large an answer.)
4 Do hippos mate in the water or on land?
5 What prostitution racket was discovered in Antarctica in 1998? (a) penguins paying with stones (b) None. It's a stupid question
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Trivia Quiz: Questions for week ending 12 January 2025
This week's subject is presidents.
1 Against whom did 19th century Mexican president Ignacio Comonfort lead a rebellion?
2 Goodluck Jonathan was elected president of what African country in February 2010?
3 What president has a surname beginning with X?
4 What president has a surname of only two letters?
5 What was the occupation of Tallis Obed Moses before he became president of Vanuatu? (a) minister and head of the Presbyterian Church in Vanuatu (b) union official (c) criminal
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Trivia Quiz: Questions for week ending 5 January 2025
This week's subject is common statements. What piece from the numbered group joins with what piece from the lettered group to make one of a comical collection?
1 When fish are in schools
2 A thief who stole a calendar
3 A will is a
4 The batteries were given out
5 After a dentist and a manicurist married
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